2020-01-04 09:51 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
1.题目:Would you like a pie? 的听说教学
Teaching procedure:
I. Warming up
Show some pictures of food and students review the names of the food, then have a talk with students.
II. Presentation
1. Lead students to watch a video clip about the dialogue and ask students what the name of A’s sister is and what C wants to have;
2. The teacher creates a scene in the supermarket, then takes some sweets out and invites students with “Would you like a sweet?”. Then write down the sentence pattern “Would you like …?” Then teaches how to answer with “Yes, please” or “No, thank you”
3. After learning the first sentence, listen to the tape and lead students to learn “What about …?”
III. Practice
Activity 1: train game
Students work in two groups and the teacher shows different pictures of food for practice and asks the first students of each group with “Would you like a …?”, the first students answer with “Yes, please” or “No, thank you”, then asks the next one, which group finishes the fastest will win and get 1 point for their group.
Activity 2: make a new dialogue
Students read the dialogue, imitating the pronunciation and tunes, then work in a group of three and try to make a new dialogue.
IV. Consolidation
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