2020-01-04 09:52 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
With December our excitement grew each day — as we opened the new year calendar, Christmas cards arrived in the post, Christmas lights appeared in the streets, and we attended the town carol service. And of course, there was snow everywhere. Enough snow to make snowmen, and to have exciting snowball fights in the school playground.
Teaching Procedure:
I. Lead-in
Guide students to talk about Christmas and ask them how they feel when Christmas is coming.
II. Presentation
1. Show the students a picture of Christmas in the foreign country and ask them to figure out whether it is the same as their thoughts.
2. Students read the passage. Then match the activities in the passage with the details in the picture.
3. Students read the passage again and answer the following questions:
(1) How did they feel when Christmas arrived?
(2) What appeared in the streets?
(3) What did they do with the snow?
When students answer those questions, highlight the following words: opened; attended; arrived; appeared.
Through comparison, ask students to find out the differences among the past tense of these four words and guide students to sort the four words into two groups, namely the verbs end with a consonant and “e” and other verbs. Students can work in pairs to make a conclusion and list more similar words. Then write on the black board “excite excitement excited exciting”. Students work in groups to find out the rules of similar words.
III. Practice
(1) The teacher presents more verbs on the screen, ask students to make some sentences with the correct forms of some of the given words.
(2) Students work in pairs to talk about what they did last weekend using past tense.
IV. Consolidation
Four students a group, share with each other how you spent your Chinese New Year during the past two or three years. Were there any traditions that were very important for you or your family? Then the teacher will ask several groups to share.
V. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the different forms of verbs, and the teacher gives supplement if necessary, and reminds them the importance of keeping our Chinese traditions.
VI. Homework
Students talk about the Chinese New Year with their parents and ask their parents what they did when they were children on the New Year’s Eve.
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