2020-01-04 13:05 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
题目1:What do you want to eat
题目2:At the farm
题目3:Nancy and jenny
题目4:What is he doing
题目5:Is this your pencil
题目6:I’ve got a new friend
题目7:My day
题目8:Visiting a school
题目9:boy toy voice nouse
题目10:my birthday
题目11:what do you want to eat
题目12:At the farm
题目13:Nancy and Jenny
题目14:What is he doing
题目15:Is this your pencil
题目16:I’ve got a new friend
题目17:My day
题目18:Visiting a school
题目19:My family
题目20:fly to the moon
题目22:what is he doing?
题目23:favourite season
题目24:what do you want to it
题目25:Read and circle the differences
题目26:Fly to the moon
题目27:Weight and height
题目28:Weather report
题目29:Where is the canteen
题目30:《Welcome to our school》
题目31:《What is he doing》
题目32:《What do you want to eat》
题目33:《短语come from和 come with》
题目34:《At the farm》
题目35:《My birthday》
题目36:《my favorite season》
题目37:《Nancy and Jenny》
题目38:"boy toy voice nouse"
题目39:what do you want to eat
题目40:Is this your penil名证报
题目41:Good to know就是在餐厅,教室,图书馆不能
题目42:Music room,computer,room .where is the art room?,its on the second floor
题目43:welcome to our school
题目44:Where is the art room?It's on the second floor
题目45:act and guess
题目46:big city and the countryside
题目47:where is my white cap
题目48:fly to the moon
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