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2023教师招聘面试试讲稿:Where is the museum?(小学英语)

http://ningxia.hteacher.net 2023-05-16 14:28 宁夏教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 Wher is the museum??试讲稿

Good morning/afternoon,my dear judges!I amXX.It is a great honor to have the opportunity to share my teaching ideas with you. The content of my lesson today is Wher is the museum?I will present my lesson from five parts,namely analysis of the teaching content,teaching objectives,teaching key and difficult points,teaching methods,and teaching procedures.

Part One Analysis of the teaching content

Today I’m going to talk about Unit2 Wher is the museum?the first volume of Grade Six Primary English(PEP). In today’s class,we are mainly going to learn about the vocabulary for places,how to ask for and give directions and how to use them correctly.

Part Two Teaching objectives

1. Knowledge objectives

①Students can introduce some places by using the new words.

②Students can sing the song“Wher Are You Going?”and the chant“Let’s chant”.

③ Students can listen,speak,recognize and read the sentence pattern“Wher is the library?It’s near the post office. ”and substitution exercises of keywords.

2. Ability objective

Students can master the new words and phrases,hospital,cinema,post office and bookstore.

3. Emotion objective

Students’ cooperation awareness in group work will be cultivated.

Part Three Teaching key and difficult points

1. Teaching key points

Students can master the key words and phrases:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,Wher is the library?It’s near the post office.

2. Teaching difficult points

Question and answer of“wher”sentence pattern.

Part Four Teaching methods

As primary school students often have strong interest in all things around them,in this class,I will use varieties of activities to enrich my class. By displaying songs,showing pictures and setting authentic situations,students’ attention can be attracted to the learning content. Students can have a clear understanding of the place words by watching some visual pictures. Also,they will know how to use the place words correctly by doing practice in authentic activities.

Part Five Teaching procedures

I will finish this class in five steps.

Step 1 Lead-in

Play the song learned in Grade Three“They are in the zoo”and then sing together with the students.

After the song,there will be a free talk to review the preposition near/under/on/in/over/in front of/behind by teaching aids like book,pencil,eraser,ruler. I will ask the students“Wher is the pencil?”,they answer“It’s near the...”

Step 2 Presentation

Let’s learn

T:Today is sunny and cool. I’m going to read some books. Wher shall I go?Oh,yes. I shall go to the library.

(Show the picture of library and then students read it out together)

T:Is there a library?Wher is the library?

S:It’s near our school.

Chant:Go to the library,read a book.

Use the same way to teach bookstore,post office,cinema,science museum

and hospital.

Step 3 Practice

(the students take out the map to practice the sentence pattern)

A:Excuse me. Is there a...near here?

B:Yes,it is.

A:Wher is the...?


A:How can I get to the...?

B:You can go by the No. 6 bus. If you like,you can go on foot.

A:Thank you.

B:You’re welcome.

Free talk:

A:Wher are you going?(cinema/library/bookstore)

B:I am going to buy some books. I’m going to the bookstore. Wher is the bookstore?

A:It’s next to the science museum.

B:How can I get to the bookstore?

A:You can go by the No. 202 bus.

B:Is it far from here?

A:No,it’s not far.

B:Thank you very much.

A:You’re welcome.

Step 4 Production

Students make a conversation with their desk-mates about asking the way to the library by using the new words.

Step 5 Homework

(1)Chant the chant to your friends.

(2)Make a dialogue about asking roads.

That’s all. Thank you.








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