2023-09-07 15:45 辽宁教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
48. Nowadays, multimedia is increasingly used in classroom teaching. Some teachers even abandon blackboards. What do you think of this phenomenon? Write a composition of no less than 150 words to express your points of view in English without any personal information.
1. 写作内容为对课堂教学中的多媒体使用问题发表看法的议论文,字数为150词以上;
2. 本文需用到第一人称和第三人称;
3. 主要使用一般现在时。
1. 内容完整,结构清晰;
2. 观点准确,论据充分;
3. 无语言和标点使用的错误;
My View on Multimedia Teaching
Nowadays, there are more and more teachers changing the traditional teaching system into a tri-dimensional one, which is called the teaching of multimedia. Considering the present development in Chinese education, is it a good phenomenon? Everything has its two sides.
On one hand, by using multimedia in the class, teachers can create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere for students and increase the capacity of classroom teaching, helping students get more information. On the other hand, it will somehow make students more passive simply because they have no opportunities to show themselves and students will not have enough time to enjoy their dominant role under the predominance of teachers in class, let alone making further improvement.
From what has been discussed above, we should draw a conclusion without any doubt that multimedia teaching cannot completely replace the traditional teaching methods. Teaching methods suitable for students should be integrated together.
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