2024-01-26 17:18 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]
Step 3. Practice
Activity 1: Let’s chant
The teacher chants with students together to practice the key words of this lesson. The chant is as follows:
On, on, on the desk. I put my pencil box on the desk.
In, in, in the desk, I put my schoolbag in the desk.
Under, under, under my desk, I don’t put my books under the desk.
Activity 2: Pair work
The teacher provides students with a picture of his or her messy study. Then the teacher elicits students to work in pairs to talk about where the things should be put and then make a dialogue.
Step 4. Consolidation
Design your own study
The teacher provides students with some stickers of things in study and asks students to design their own study. The teacher asks students to put some necessary things in their study, but the locations of these things are decided by students.
After they’ve finished, they’re asked to walk around the classroom to find their friends who put their things in same locations as theirs. In the end, some students are invited to share their designs with the rest of the class.
Step 5. Summary
Together with students, the teacher summarizes what they have learned today and achieves the cultural awareness objective naturally.
T: Today we’ve learned how to put our things in right places. That’s very important in our daily life.
Step 6. Homework
Students draw their own dream bedrooms as they wish. They can surf the Internet for more pictures.
上一篇: 教师招聘高中语文面试教案+说课稿汇总
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