2024-01-26 17:47 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]
1. Students can understand the meanings of the new words “doctor, policeman, driver” and the sentence pattern “He/She is a …”.
2. Students can apply the words and sentence pattern to introducing others’ jobs in practical situation flexibly.
3. Students can develop their abilities of listening and speaking through different activities.
4. Students can cultivate their awareness of respecting different jobs and be encouraged to speak English bravely.
1. Students are able to talk about different jobs with the useful words and sentence patterns.
2. Students are able to cooperate with partners and respect different jobs.
Step 1. Lead-in
1. Greetings.
2. The teacher creates a situation “students will take the Doraemon’s time machine to 2050” and asks questions: Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
Step 2. Presentation
1. Listen to the tape and answer a question “How many jobs are there in the text?”.
2. Listen to the tape again and lead students to find the same sentence pattern in the dialogue “He/She is a …” and then the teacher shows some pictures of different jobs to lead students to understand the meanings of the new words.
3. Listen to the tape for the last time and read the words and the sentence pattern, paying attention to the pronunciations.
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