2024-01-28 16:57 安徽教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
第三章 阅读表达
1.【参考答案】They are usually very close together.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“On the other hand, the buildings in cities are usually very close together.”可知,它们通常挨的很近。故答案为 They are usually very close together.
2.【参考答案】Either a car or a huge truck.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句“Caravans are mobile homes. They are towed (拖,拉) by either a car or a huge truck.”可知,大篷车由汽车或大卡车牵引。故答案为 Either a car or a huge truck.
3.【参考答案】Rich and important people.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“In the past, rich and important people built strong castles to keep their families safe.”可知,富人们建造城堡保护家人安全。故答案为 Rich and important people.
4.【参考答案】Because they made it difficult for enemies to attack.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句“Moats were deep and wide ditches (壕沟) filled with water. They made it difficult for enemies to attack.”可知,因为它们让敌人很难进攻。故答案为 Because they made it difficult for enemies to attack.
5.【参考答案】Video cameras and an alarm system.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“Some homes are installed with video cameras and an alarm system.”可知,人们现在使用摄像机和报警系统看家。故答案为 Video cameras and an alarm system.
【试题分析】本文为记叙文。主要介绍了 Adam 根据自己的经历创立了铅笔希望学校项目,并在世界
1.【参考答案】In 2008.
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一句“Adam Braun set up the organization Pencils of Promise in 2008”
可知,该组织创立时间是 2008 年。故答案为 In 2008.
2.【参考答案】Every 90 hours.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Six years later, the nonprofit organization is building a new school somewhere every 90 hours”可知,该组织平均每 90 小时就在建立一所新的学校。故答案为 Every 90 hours.
3.【参考答案】A pencil.
【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“His answer was ‘a pencil’”可知,如果可以拥有世界上任何东西时,小男孩只想要一支铅笔。故答案 A pencil.
4.【参考答案】He realized that 57 million children around the world had never been to school.
【解析】细节理解题。根据“I realized he had never been to school before, and that was the reality for 57 million children around the world”可以得出,他意识到世界上还有 5700 万孩子没有上过学。可自行组织语言,注意准确性。故答案为 He realized that 57 million children around the world had never been to school.
5.【参考答案】Because he wanted to make sure all children have a chance for school education.
【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“We live in a world in which every child can have a chance to get a good education, because we have everything necessary already. We are able to educate every child. So I promised to help change that world”可知,Adam 建立希望学校是为了让所有孩子都能上学。另外第一段第二句也直
接指明了该组织的目的,可自行组织语言,言之成理即可。故答案为 Because he wanted to make sure all children have a chance for school education.
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