2024-01-28 17:11 安徽教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
第二章 英美文学
1. Published in 1926, the Sun Also Rises is a novel written by ______, a famous American writer.
A. Jack London B. Ernest Hemingway
C. Mark Twain D. William Faulkner
2. In 1719, ______ published his famous novel Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
A. Jonathan Swift B. Samuel Richardson
C. Alexander Pope D. Daniel Defoe
3. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are the masterpieces of ______.
A. John Donne B. Christopher Marlowe
C. John Milton D. John Dryden
4.“If winter comes, can spring be far behind” is the last line of the poem ______ written by the British poet Shelley.
A. Ode to the West Wind B. Ode to a Nightingale
C. Ode on Melancholy D. Ode on Intimations of Immorality
5. ______ is a long poem by George Gordon Byron.
A. To a Skylark B. Prometheus Unbound
C. Don Juan D. She Walks in Beauty
6. Which of the following works of Mark Twain is read as the autobiography of his early stage?
A. Life on the Mississippi B. Running for Governor
C. The Innocent Abroad D. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer
7.In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be—that is the question” by
A. Iago in Othello B. Lear in King Lear C. Shylock in the Merchant of Venice D. Hamlet in Hamlet
8.Prometheus Unbound was written by ______ who also wrote ______. A. Byron; Childe Herald’s pilgrimage
9. Which of the following works is NOT written by James Joyce?
A. Ulysses B. Dubliners
C. Vanity Fair D. A Portrait of the artist as a young man
10.Sense and Sensibility is a ______ by ______.
A. novel; Anne Bronte B. play; Jane Austen C. novel; Jane Austen D. play; Emily Bronte
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