2024-01-28 17:13 安徽教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
第三章 英语语言学
1. Which of the following is a compound word?
A. Bravery. B. Civilization.
C. Responsibility. D. Breakthrough.
2. The word “gunfighters” contains ______ morphemes.
A. two B. three
C. four D. five
3. The consonant ______ can be described as voiceless, bilabial and stop.
A. /k/ b. /g/
C. /p/ D. /b/
4.Study the following dialogue. What function does it play according to the functions of language? —A nice day, isn’t it?
—Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.
A. Emotive. B. Phatic.
C. Performative. D. Interpersonal.
5. A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of ______.
A. absence of obstruction B. presence of obstruction
C. manner of articulation D. place of articulation
6. Which of the following is a fricative sound?
A. /m/ B. /p/
C. /w/ D. /v/
7. ______ refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation.
A. Phonology B. Morphology
C. Semantics D. Sociolinguistics
8.Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of ______. X: Who was that you were with last night?
Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?
A. quality B. quantity C. relation D. manner
9. The lexical relation between “ability” and “capability” is ______.
A. hyponymy B. antonymy
C. synonym D. homonymy
10. Which of the following pairs of words are antonyms?
A. pass—fail B. difficult—hard
C. flower—flour D. sparrow—bird
上一篇: 第八部分人文知识第二章英美文学答案解析
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