教师招聘高中英语《Travelling Around》说课稿

https://jiaoshi.huatu.com 2024-01-30 13:28 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]


Teaching procedures are the core part of my presentation. And I design my teaching procedures in the following several parts based on the above analysis.

Step 1. Lead-in

Before the class, I will share my weekend plan with simple future tense, such as “I will meet my friends and we will visit around our town on Saturday. And on Sunday I will do some chores at home”. This is to elicit students’ weekend plans and they will talk about their plans in the same way. This topic can catch students’ attention and arouse their learning interest. Free talk can bridge what they have learnt with what they are to learn, so as to lead in today’s topic naturally.

Step 2. Presentation

1. I will show some pictures of different activities such as travelling, visiting museums, meeting friends and so on, and ask students to describe them with the present continuous tense. Then I will add a word or phrase of future time to each sentence. Students will observe the two groups of sentences and tell the differences in tense and meanings. Students can have a general understanding of the different functions of the present continuous tense.

2. Students then will read the conversation in the book and underline verbs in the present continuous tense to discuss with a partner the forms and functions in common. I will give some hints like the temporal words.

3. Ten minutes later students will share their findings. After that I will explain the usage of the tense that the present continuous tense is used here to express future plans, and that in this case, it always works with adverbials of future time.

Step 3. Practice

Activity 1

Students will read the sentences in exercise 3 in the book and tick those that express future plans, and then rewrite them in the present continuous tense. Answers will be checked when they finish it.

Activity 2

To help students remember the rules better, I will give out pictures of some famous movie scenes randomly. I will set situations like “imagine the scene will happen in the future and it is what the character plans to do”. Students are to describe their pictures with the present continuous tense to their partners.

In this way, students can understand and grasp the rules step by step. At the same time, they can practice the rule and their listening and speaking abilities.

Step 4. Consolidation

After learning this passage, the whole class will be divided into groups of four. I will show the weather report of this weekend and students will make their own weekend plans according to the weather condition. And then they should interview their group members about their plans to make a report. Five minutes later I will invite some groups to share their reports and I will make comments.

During the process, students can apply the new knowledge in real situation, and their comprehensive language ability, as well as cooperating ability can be enhanced, too.

Step 5. Summary

Students summarize the main idea and what they have learnt according to the blackboard and I will make a supplement that the present continuous tense can sometimes express the future and it always comes adverbials of future time. Then I will stress that students should be careful and distinguish the different functions the present continuous tense has in sentences. Meanwhile I will point out that the future will soon become the present. This is to arouse students’ awareness of cherishing time. And I will encourage students to apply what they have learnt into practice when sharing their plans.

Step 6. Homework

As for the homework, students make new conversations with partners to discuss their plans in a month and search for information about other tenses or expressions describing the future and try to find out their differences.


Last but not least, the final part of my presentation is the blackboard design. As you can see, I make it simple but clear to organize today’s knowledge.









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