2024-01-30 13:47 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]
1. Students can find the answer to the migration of animals, especially the monarch butterfly.
2. Students can learn more knowledge about the monarch butterfly, such as the way of their migration.
3. Students can read the passage quickly and get the main idea of the passage by skimming.
4. Students can find some specific information by reading the passage carefully.
5. Students’ awareness of protecting nature and animals can be cultivated and strengthened.
Teaching key points:
Students can make use of the reading skills to understand the passage and complete the tasks that the teacher sets for their learning.
Teaching difficult point:
Students can adopt the reading skills, such as skimming and scanning when they are reading other passages in the later study.
Step 1. Lead-in
The teacher shows students a video about different animals. And this video is about some typical animal actions like bees’ circle dance, ants moving. Then the teacher asks students what other typical phenomena of animals they have met before. One minute will be given for their discussion and then the teacher can collect some results from their discussion.
Step 2. Pre-reading
The teacher asks students to look at the pictures and the title on the book and guess what the passage is mainly about. After the students mention butterflies, the teacher makes a supplement about the background information of the special kind of butterfly—monarch butterfly.
Step 3. While-reading
Students read the passage quickly and divide the passage into three parts and then find out the main idea of each part.
Part one, paragraph one: the phenomenon of animals’ migration.
Part two, paragraph two-three: the migration of monarch butterflies.
Part three, paragraph four-five: the trouble that monarch butterflies are faced with.
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