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http://ningxia.hteacher.net 2024-06-28 17:19 宁夏教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 Earthquake 说课稿

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!I am very happy to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas with you.The topic of my lesson today is “Earthquake”from the textbook—Unit 4,Book 1,New Senior English for China.I’d like to present it from 5 parts as follows: teaching material,teaching methods,learning strategies,teaching proce dures and blackboard design.

Now,let’s come to the first part—teaching material.It includes three parts,namely status and functions of the material,teaching objectives,the important and difficult points.

Firstly,let me say something about status and functions.As we know,this lesson is from the textbook“New Senior English for China”.Briefly speaking, things in the text book are appropriate to students ’ interest, experiences and knowledge; they also provide opportunities for contextual language use and practice to enrich students’ general knowledge.And the most important feature is that the textbook provides the students with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communication goals and stimulates students to seek further information.

Secondly,about the teaching objectives.I’d like to say them from three aspects: the first aspect is knowledge objectives.In this unit,students will learn to talk about earthquake.The second one is ability objectives,including improving students’ listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities.The last is the emotion objectives,that is to say,my students will care more about the environment we are living in and care about all the living things on the earth,including people,animals and plants.

Thirdly,let me deal with the important and difficult points.It is important for students to understand the danger people face in an earthquake.It is difficult for students to realize what things can be done to minimize the damages caused by quakes.

Next,let’ s come to the second part—teaching methods.While dealing with this lesson,I usually adopt the following ideas: English class should be a student?centered class,that is to say,make students real masters in class while the teacher himself a director and students should receive some moral education during learning.So in this lesson,I’ ll mainly use the task?based teaching approach.The task?based approach is aimed at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.So,I will let the students learn in real situations and fulfill several tasks such as pair work or group work.And in this unit the communicative language teaching approach is also adopted.As we all know, language is used for communication.For this reason,the communicative language teaching approach aims to develop students’ communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.

Then,let’s come to the third part—learning strategies.While teaching in class I usually train the students to use some learning strategies.They will cooperate with each other to finish several tasks.When they finish some tasks they can learn to communicate better with each other.Before they do listening or reading activities,they must learn to predict the words or sentences which they are going to hear or read.

OK now,let’ s come to the fourth part—teaching procedures.I’ ll divide my lesson into 7 steps,they are warming up,lead in,pre?task,task cycle,language focus,homework and self?assessment.This step?by?step progression allows students to build up confidence in learning English.

Step 1 Warming up

The purpose of the warming up section is to introduce the topic to the students in an interesting way,remind them of what they have already known and let them think about it.To“warm up”means to do a bit of preparation for the learning tasks.

I will let the students watch an amusing flash called “ earthquake”.This flash will offer students a relaxing atmosphere and stimulate students’ interest in English learning.

Step 2 Lead in

I will show my students two vivid pictures.When they look at the first picture,I will ask them some questions.Such as“Wher does the city of Tangshan lie?” “Have you ever heard of the earthquake in Tangshan?” “Do you know when the earthquake happened?”“What happened to the city after the earthquake?”

Please look at the second picture.Then,I will ask my students some questions,such as “Can you tell me anything you know about San Francisco?Can you imagine what the city of San Francisco was like after the earthquake?”

Then I divide my students into groups,and let them discuss these questions.

Step 3 Pre?Task

I will introduce the topic and give the students clear instructions on what they will have to do at the task stage.So at the very beginning I will let them review the words which they have learned,then teach them the new words and phrases in the unit including cracks,roads and canals,fall down,lie in ruins and destroy.I will encourage them to conclude the signs before an earthquake,such as,chickens are flying and dogs are barking,and pigs and cows are too nervous to eat,fish jump out of the pond,and mice run wildly out of the fields.

Step 4 Task cycle

I divide my students into some small groups,and then ask them some questions.For the first question,students must consider what is of most value to them in an earthquake.

The second question asks students to guess about what might happen before an earthquake.Of course,I will encourage students to look at the pictures and discuss whether they think such behaviour or result is likely.Encourage them to think of a reason why such things might happen.Again,it is not important whether their guesses are accurate or not.What matters is that they have given careful thought to the situation.

Step 5 Language focus

In this step,students do practice activities to consolidate the knowledge which they have learned,so I prepare a task that allows students to design a newspaper.I will explain to students what a newspaper needs.Then divide students into small groups,ask them to think of some ideas for their articles.They should identify: a special event, why it was special,what happened and the situation.Then I’ ll ask the students to list the events in sequence in which they will write about them.

Step 6 Homework

Task 1 Remember all the new words.

Task 2 Write a passage about earthquake.

Step 7 Self?Assessment

I want to talk about self?assessment.The most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an organizer.Nowadays many approaches and methods advocate task?based learning activities.So one of the teacher’ s major responsibilities is to design and organize tasks that students can carry out in the class.The teacher’s role is the same as the role of instruction materials.However,when students are supposed to work on their own,the teacher should hold his readiness to provide help.

And the last part is blackboard design.I will write the new words on the left,and on the right I write the target language.If possible,I will draw some pictures.OK,that’s all.Thank you.








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