2024-07-11 16:07 河北教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
Teacher shows the pictures of Beijing,Sanya,Washington,and San Francisco on screen.
Step 2 Presentation
T:Do you like Beijing? And look at it. (showing a map on the screen)Ss:(describe its position in the mapT:There is a famous city in China,and it’s very hot. What is it?
Ss:Sanya(and describe its position)Use the same way to show Washington (to teach north,south,east and west).
Then let students listen to some sentences and find out which cities are described in the listening materials.
Step 3 Practice
Point,ask and answer.
Teacher shows a map of the United States on screen and lets students work with their partners tomake dialogues.
E. g.
A:Wher is New York?
B:It’s in the east.
Then teacher shows a map of China. Ask students to draw their favorite cities and describe them totheir partners.
E. g.
My favorite city is Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. And it is in the north of. . .
Step 4 Production
Students write a short passage to their foreign pen pals about the position of their cities. After the writing,shareit with other students.
Step 5 Homework
1.Students need to read and remember the new words. (look at the phonetic symbols and say them out)
2.Students can introduce one city to their families by using the new sentences.
That’s all. Thank you
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