2024-07-11 16:48 河北教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
5.2 Pre-reading
Lead students to scan the play and try to find the basic elements of a play.Ask students to underline scene,act,narrator,stage direction.
Some key words:ACT I Scene3,narrator,Oliver..
【purpose】Activate student’s previous knowledge and lead students to compare the difference between play and novels.
5.3 While-reading
1.Fast reading
Ask students to read “Narrator”part and pay attention to details.Some instructive questions are listed as follows:【可选取部分使用】
How many characters are there in the play? What are they doing? Who are they? What kind of person are the two brothers? What did the brothers do? What is the bet about? What about Henry? What is he doing? Wher did the story happen?
2.Detailed reading to analyze people’s characters
I divide the text into 4 parts based on different scenes and ask different questions to lead students read carefully.By comprehending what Henry said and what Henry do,students may better understand the character’s emotion and his values.【可问问题】
What made Henry penniless? How about Henry’s feelings and characters?
3.I summarize together with students,Henry:A man without a penny; without a job; without a friend but with the good characters of being hardworking,honest,straightforward,independent…,
【purpose】Prepare students for further writing.
5.4 post-reading
1.writing Ask students to write our novel with Henry Adams as the first-person narrator.
Attention:write down the events with own feelings.
And some requirements for students to notice:
(1) Line 1-29 When I was invited to the house…(groups 1 and 2)
“my” feeling when I stared at the brothers’dinner should be included in the writing.
(2) Line 48—63 When I was given the letter,…(groups 3 and 4)
2.Comparison and appreciation
Provide students the with the original novel counterpart (rewritten in easy English) and encourage students compare theirs with the original one.I will remindthem of their highlights in rewriting.If I think theirs are very good,I can even praise as “better than the original!”
5.5 Summery
I will ask students to summarize their understanding of play,and their book list of this kind.When necessary,i will make supplement.
5.6 Homework
Give a possible development to the play.(Will Henry survive a month in London with the million pound bank note? Who will win the bet? What do you think will happen to Henry? Will the bank note help him or get him into trouble?
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