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教师招聘面试试讲稿:What can you do?(小学英语)

http://liaoning.hteacher.net 2024-07-12 14:09 辽宁教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 What can you do?(小学英语)


What can you do?试讲稿

Good morning,distinguished judges. I’m No.XX candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. Today my topic is What can you do?Now I’m ready. Class begins.


T:Morning,children.How are you today?Sounds great. Before the class,I have a chant for you. Listen to the chant and clap your hands with it,OK?

T:Well,who can tell me what did you hear in the chant?I mean the sentence that you heard so many times in the chant. Lily?Good. You heard the sentence“What can you do”for many times. Sit down,please. Thank you. Today we are going to learn Unit 4 What can you do?Please turn to page 16.Look at the part“Let’s chant.”I will repeat the chant for you,and you are asked to read the chant with the radio,OK?

Ⅱ. Presentation

T:OK. Tom,what can you do?You can dance?Great,after the class you can dance for us. Lily,how about you?What can you do?You are so excellent. You can draw pictures. Who can swim?Wow,so many students can swim. You are all so excellent.I am so proud of you.

T:There is a girl whose name is Rose. She is very helpful. Why do I say she is very helpful?

T:Let’s look at the pictures on the screen. The first picture shows us she can...What?OK,look at me. Sweep,sweep,sweep the floor. Which picture?Yes,great. Picture 1. So we should say:“Rose can sweep the floor. ”Water,water,water the flower. Which picture? Yes,picture 4. Rose can water the flower.Great. Cook,cook,cook the meal. Which picture?Yes,picture 5. Clean,clean,clean the bedroom. Yes,picture 2. So we say Rose can clean the bedroom. Empty,empty,empty the trash. Picture 3. How clever you are. Rose can empty the trash. OK. Read after me.

T:We see Rose can do so many things,so she is helpful. July,what can you do?Good,you can cook the meal. Tom,what about you?What can you do?Peter,what can you do?

T:Well,you are all very helpful.

Ⅲ. Practice

T:Now,I will divide you into pairs. Student A does some behaviors,and student B guesses what can he/she do?You should use the phrases we learned today,clear?OK,five minutes.

T:Now I will invite two groups to come here to play a game with me. I have twenty cards. On each card,there is a phrase. A student will do the behavior according to the card,and ask“What can I do?”While the other student will guess what he/she is doing,and answer“You can...”The student who finishes the guessing game first will get a present. Clear?OK,volunteers?Sue and Jim. Apple and William. Come here,please. Let’s begin.

T:Well done,boys and girls. So the winner is Sue and Jim. Congratulations. We also have some little presents for Apple and William. Congratulations!

Ⅳ. Production

T:Now turn to page 23. Supposing you are a reporter,and you should ask your friends a question“What can you do?”You have ten minutes to finish the table. Let’s begin. Winey,would you like to share your report?Thank you,sit down,please.

Ⅴ. Summary and homework


T:We have only 5 minutes left. We have to stop here. Today we have learnt many phrases and I found that you are all very helpful. Since you are helpful,I wish you can help your parents at home with the housework,will you?


T:Okay,time is up. Here is the homework for you. Make a list of“What can I do”then share it with us next class. Have a nice day. See you!

Unit 4 What can you do?

——What can you do?

——I can...

That’s my presentation. Thank you.








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