2024-07-15 17:54 四川教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
Step 2 Practice
Activity 1 Making dialogues
Ask students to make dialogues,talking about stuff near them.
A:Your coat is beautiful. What’s it made of?
B:It is made of cotton.
A:And wher is it made?
B:It is made in Guangzhou.
Activity 2 Listening
Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.
Tim:Hi,Lucy. Your_____is so nice. What is it made of?
Lucy:Thank you. It is_____of cotton. It is made in Suzhou.
Tim:Oh,that is very nice. Do you know what this T-shirt_____?
Lucy:It is made of_____.
Tim:Is it made in Guangzhou?
Lucy:Yes,you are right.
Step 3 Production
Activity 1 Watching and remembering
Ask students to watch a clip of video and memorize what are talked about,what they are made of and wher they are made.
Activity 2 Summarizing
Summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.
T:Write down what you have learnt according to the following hints.
I have learnt the following words:_____
I can make sentences with the words:_____
I can use the structure to talk about what things are made of :_____
I improve my English in_____.
下一篇: 教师招聘面试试讲:初中物理《温度》
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