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教师招聘考试中学面试试讲题:英语《Will people have robots?》

http://sichuan.hteacher.net 2024-07-15 18:04 四川教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

T:OK,let’s listen again,please listen carefully and check your answer. Then I will give you 5 minutes to write down the sentence structures you have heard,such as“People will do... in 100 years.”After listening,I will ask some students to show your answers,OK?Now,you can start!

T:Can you tell me your answer?Very good.Who want to share your sentence structures?Tom,do you want to try?Good,you heard people will do...in 100 years.

T:Anyone else?Amy?Good job. There will be... in 100 years. OK,Everyone,let’s read the dialogue in 1c,who want to try?Tony and Amy?Good job!

Ⅳ. Post-listening

T:OK,can you imitate it?Make a dialogue by using the sentences in 1a and practice your pronunciation as possible as you can. I’ll give you ten minutes,now you can start.

T:Time’s up!I’d like to invite several groups to show your dialogue,any volunteer?Lily and Tom?Please come to the front,both of you are so brave! OK,thank you,go back to your seat.

T:OK!Did they do a good job?Lily and Tom,please pay more attention to your pronunciation,OK?Good,And anyone else?Anna and John?Please come to the front. Thank you. Well,Did they do a good job?Good,let’s give them a big clap. Sit down please.

Ⅴ. Summary and homework

T:OK,classes,time’s flying,who can tell me what you have learned today? Lily,please?Right,we talked about people’s life in 100 years by using the sentence:People will do... in 100 years,right?OK,sit down please. Anyone else?Yes,We also learned a new word:predication. Read after me!

T:Today,Please review the new word and the sentence structure,and make sentences by using them. Then,think about the changes in the future and make a list,let’s discuss it next time.

T:OK,class is over,see you.

Will people have robots?

People will...in 100 years.

—Will people use money in 100 years?

—Yes,they will./No they won’ t.

That’s my presentation.Thanks for your listening.








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