2020-01-05 11:44 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake, so here is some advice.
1. Do not jump out of high buildings
2. Hide under a table. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. Keep clear of fires.
1. Move away from buildings, because parts of a building may fall on you.
2. Do not stand near street lights or under power lines.
3. In the mountains, be careful of falling rocks.
Teaching Procedure:
I. Lead-in
Paly some video clips of news reports about Wenchuan Earthquake and Yushu Earthquake for students and ask them about their feelings after watching.
II. Presentation
1. Free talk with students, ask them about some dos and don’ts that they know during an earthquake.
2. Play a video of safety instructions during an earthquake. Ask students to watch carefully and remind them to take some notes while watching. Collect students’ answers and write on the blackboard.
3. The teacher asks students “During an earthquake, what should you do if you are inside/ outside a house/ building?”. Encourage students to answer with imperative sentences or “You should/ shouldn’t …”
III. Practice
Activity 1 Sharp Eyes
Present another piece of video clip showing a situation in which an earthquake is taking place. People are doing different kinds of activities to save themselves. Ask students to watch carefully and try to figure out whether they are right or wrong.
Activity 2 Role Play
Four students a group. Imagine they are in different places with their friends or family, for example, in the shopping mall, in the cinema, in the zoo, in the mountains, etc. Suddenly the earthquake comes. Discuss with their group members what they should do or shouldn’t do. Then present the scene out. The teacher invites several groups to show in front of the class.
IV. Consolidation
Besides earthquake, there are many other disasters in life. Each group chooses one disaster and discusses about the dos and don’ts during the disaster. Then share with the class.
V. Summary
Students summarize the dos and don’ts in different disasters. The teacher makes supplement if necessary. Meanwhile, the teacher stresses the importance safety awareness and protecting themselves.
VI. Homework
Students design a poster to disseminate safety awareness after class.
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