2020-01-05 11:44 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
报考科目:初中英语 抽题时间:2020年1月5日10:30:07
My name is Leo. I’m from Australia, and I’ve been teaching in China for two years. I teach in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province. This is an interesting city with a very colorful history. There is some European influence in the city, and some of the old buildings in Harbin are in Russian style.
Teaching procedure:
I. Lead in
The teacher shows different pictures of cities and invites students to have a free talk about their familiar cities.
II. Pre-listening
1. The teacher plays a short video about Harbin and asks students to guess where it is. They can talk about their experience there and their opinions or impression about the city.
2. Then presents a picture of Leo, inviting students to predict the story about this boy in Harbin.
III. While-listening
1. Listen to the tape for the first time and confirm their predictions about the main idea of this paragraph.
2. Listen again and answer some questions: What is Leo? How is the city? What’s the old buildings’ style?
3. Read the paragraph and check the answers together. Students are encouraged to underline the key words while reading.
IV. Post-listening
Task: My favorite city
Students are divided into several groups. They are supposed to share their opinions about their favorite cities and then each group choose one most interesting and wonderful city. Then 5minutes later, the representatives share their favorite city to the whole class, others and the teacher give comments on their expressions and pronunciation.
V. Summary
Students are encouraged to summarize what they have learnt this lesson. The teacher makes supplement if necessary and reminds students to care about their surroundings and experience.
VI. Homework
Students will share their favorite cities with their family members after class.
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