2021-11-09 16:33 福建教师资格证 [您的教师考试网]
词汇教学:在近年真 题中词汇教学相关知识点出现的频率也较多,考点大多数也是基于词汇教学方法、基本原则及其活动设计等。
【真 题示例1】Which of the following assumptions about vocabulary learning contradicts the modern language teaching theories?
A. The best way to learn word s is to use them.
B. The best way to learn vocabulary is via rote-learning.
C. An English dictionary is an important aid to students.
D. Learning a word involves learning more than just the word itself.
【真 题示例2】The correct meaning of a lexical item in a given context is___.
A. the one provided in a dictionary
B. the one which best fits the context
C. the central or core meaning of the item
D. the one which is assumed to be correct
【真 题示例3】When you focus on “utterance function” and “expected response” by using examples like “apology/ acceptance, inform/ acknowledge”, you are probably teaching language at the ______.
A. lexical level B. discourse level
C. story level D. grammatical level
【真 题示例4】Asking students to explain new words in a text with known words is NOT an act of _______.
A. elicitation B. reinforcement
C. management D. production
英语课堂上教师教授词汇,其内容主要包括词汇的意义、词汇的用法、词汇的记忆策略等;所采用的教学模式有PPA(presentation, practice, application/assessment);情景教学模式,如教授食物类词汇可创设去餐厅的情境;语篇教学模式,词不离句,句不离篇,词汇教学一般从对话或课文中选择重点词汇进行讲授练习。
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