
https://jiaoshi.huatu.com 2022-02-11 11:48 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]


The Art of Paper

Chen Zijiang is a paper-cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on Chinese Art. Paper-cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age.

“It is a Chinese folk art with a long history,” Mr. Chen told me, “Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!” He added that by the Southern Song Dynasty, paper-cutting had become an important part of everyday life. “A young farmer who wanted a wife would look at a young woman’s paper-cutting skills before marrying her!” explained Mr. Chen, laughing at the look of surprise on my face.

Mr. Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts which people still make today: paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes and for design patterns.

Paper cuts used for decoration are often seen on windows and gates. They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck. They are also used on presents. A present for parents whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children, for example. Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate weddings.

Paper cuts used for religious purposes are often found in temples. They are also used as offerings to the dead. People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals.

The third kind of paper cuts are those used to make patterns on clothing. They are also sometimes used to decorate jewelry boxes. Dragons are very popular patterns for these designs.

The interview was very useful as I got a lot of interesting information for my article. I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. “See you next week,” I said as I waved goodbye to Mr Chen. I was going to meet him again so that he could help me make my first paper cut!


I. Teaching contents

The teaching material is rich in Chinese cultural features and shows the long history of Chinese paper-cutting art. The target grammar covers the usage of the relative words including which, that, who, whom, whose, and preposition + whom.

II. Teaching Objectives

(1) Knowledge Objective

Students are able to distinguish the structure and usage of the attributive clause clearly.

(2) Ability Objective

Students are able to use the attributive clause to talk with others.

(3) Emotional Objective

Students are able to improve their learning interest through study and experience grammar.

III. Teaching Key and Difficult Points

Most of students can understand and grasp the structure and usage of the attributive clause.

Students are able to use the attributive clause to talk with others in the certain context.

IV. Teaching procedure







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