2023-04-26 16:15 福建教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
Listen, point and find “didn’t”.
Long long ago, there was a good boy. His name was Ma Liang. He helped people. The old women didn’t have food. So Ma Liang painted food, then the food became real.
There was a bad man. He took Ma Liang’s magic paintbrush. The bad man didn’t have gold. So he painted with the magic paintbrush. But it didn’t become gold. It became a snake.
一、课文标题:Unit 1 It didn’t become gold.
1)学习词汇:real, take, magic, paint, paintbrush, gold.
2)掌握句子:It didn’t become gold.
The old man didn’t have food.
Step 1 Warm-up & Reversion (2 mins)
1. Greetings.
2. Sing a song: Chinese People Invented Paper for Us.
3. Revision.
Review the past tense of some verbs in this unit.
Step 2 Lead-in (3 mins)
1. Brainstorm
T: Do you like stories? What story do you like best?
S1: The Monkey King.
S2: 哪吒闹海(允许学生用汉语表达)
S3: …
2. Ask and Respond
T: Now let’s look at the pictures and guess the names of the stories.
Nv Wa Mending the Sky(女娲补天)
Jing Wei Filling the Sea(精卫填海)
Chen Xiang Rescuing His Mother(沉香救母)
Hou Yi shooting down the suns(后羿射日)
然后引出故事Ma liang’s Magic Paintbrush“神笔马良”,并把课文标题“It didn’t become gold”写在黑板上,带领学生学习生词:magic, paintbrush, become, gold.
Step 3 Presentation (8 mins)
1. Watch and learn
Learn new words: real, take, magic, and paint.
2. Listen and learn
Listen carefully, and then underline the correct answers.
(1) Ma liang was a ______ (good, clever) boy.
(2) Ma liang had a _______ (pen, pencil, paintbrush).
(3) It was a ______ (new, bad, magic) paintbrush.
(4) Ma liang painted ______ (food, gold, a snake) for the woman.
(5) A bad man took the ______ (food, paintbrush, gold).
(6) The bad man painted ______ (food, gold, a snake).
(7) But it became ______ (food, gold, a snake).
3. Read and find
Ss read the text and find “didn’t”.
The old woman didn’t have food.
The bad man didn’t have gold.
But it didn’t become gold.
Step 4 Practice (15 mins)
1. Play bomb(炸弹游戏)
come-came-didn’t come
become-become-didn’t become
have-had-didn’t have
2. Do pattern drills: Ss learn the following sentences with cards, using words in the brackets to replace the underlined parts.
The old woman didn’t have food (milk, water, bread).
But it didn’t become gold. (a pen, a pencil, a paintbrush)
3. Read and imitate
Ask Ss to read and imitate the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
4. Watch and dub
Ask Ss to watch the video and dub sentence by sentence.
5. Retell the story
The teacher retells the story according to the pictures.
6. Discuss
T: Why did Ma Liang help the woman instead of the bad man?
S1: Because the woman was poor but kind, while the man was rich but bad.
T: If you had a paintbrush like Ma Liang’s, what would you paint?
Please paint it on the blackboard...
T: If I had a paintbrush like Ma Liang’s, I would paint for good people, for a magic paintbrush is neither good nor bad itself. It depends on how we use it.
Step 5 Production (10 mins)
Act and Play (教学活动设计)
Step 6 Homework (2 mins)
44. 案例分析(满分15分)
(1)请写出Step 2 Lead-in教学环节的2个优点。(4分)
(2)请写出Step 3 Presentation教学环节的3个优点,并说明理由。(6分)
【参考答案】①活动应包括学习语言知识和发展语言技能的过程,应使学生通过接触、理解、操练、运用语言等环节,逐步实现语言的内化和整合,从而提高实际运用语言的能力。上述案例中该教师设计了Watch and learn、Listen and learn以及Read and find等活动,由易到难,循序渐进地帮助学生提高运用语言的能力。②活动的内容和形式要贴近学生的生活实际,符合学生的认知水平和生活经验;要尽可能接近现实生活中语言使用的实际情况,使学生能够理解和掌握目标语言项目的真实意义和用法。上述案例中该教师设计看视频学单词、听听力勾选正确答案以及读后找didn’t等活动,活动形式多样,贴近学生的生活实际,有利于学生初步掌握语言知识,从而提升语言的产出能力。③活动要有明确的交流目的、真实的交流意义和具体的操作要求,并为学生提供展示学习成果的机会,使学生能够在个体和合作的实践活动中发展语言与思维能力,并能在展示活动中感受成功。上述教学案例中该教师设计的Watch and learn和Listen and learn是为了帮助学生掌握语言知识,Read and find是为了帮助学生提升综合语言实践能力,鼓励学生接触、理解、操练、运用语言。
(3)请写出Step 4 Practice教学环节的1个不足,并说明理由。(5分)
45. 教学设计(满分20分)
(1)根据本单元重点词汇(real, take, magic, paint)设计Step 3 Presentation的教学活动并说明设计及意图。(8分)
【参考答案】Watch and learn
The teacher asks students to watch a video clip of this story, and guides them to answer the following questions. While answering the questions, students will be familiar with the new words.
Q1: What did Ma Liang have?
Q2: What did Ma Liang paint with the magic paintbrush?
Q3: What did the bad man paint with the magic paintbrush?
(2)根据语言技能目标设计Step 5 Production的一个教学活动并说明设计及意图。(8分)
【参考答案】Step 5 Production
Act and Play
The teacher presents some picture with poor children with different dilemmas, asking students “If you were Ma Liang, what would you do for these children?”. The students will be guided to answer the questions with the sentence patterns like “They didn’t have books. So I painted lots of books. Then they could go to school. They were happy.”
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