2023-07-12 15:02 辽宁教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
1.How to help students’ English learning?
【Suggested version】
As an English teacher, it’s my duty to help students to improve students’ English expression. But as a second language, English might be a headache for some junior high school students, such as students can’t memorizing vocabulary, have lame accent, are lack of confidence, have Chinglish expression in their oral English. In order to solve these problems to help students improve their English skill, I will take actions from the following aspects: First of all,interest is the best teacher, we need to draw their attention in the process of teaching English, and in my class, various of teaching tools will be used and attractive activities will be designed to reach this goal. And secondly, it’s very important for students to accumulate vocabulary, master accent and grammar, I will launch reading groups to encourage them to recommend suitable books to broaden their horizon for the language accumulation. And at last,I will also encourage students to open their mouth to speak more, I will be proud of their bravery regardless what they say to stimulate their confidence in practicing oral English. I believe my students would improve a lot through these ways.
2. 如何帮助学生学习语法?
2. How to help students' grammar
【Suggested version】
The process of learning grammar is also the process of observing the rules and structures of language, instead of purely memorizing. In order to help my students to understand and become interested in English grammar, in stead of just directly telling them the rules, I will present some groups of sentences or situation to instruct students to find the rule. When they form their own idea, I will praise them and give more instructions to help them get the exact answer. The ultimate goal of learning grammar is to use them in real language situation, so after eliciting the rule, students are inspired to demonstrate their initiative to make some sentences or make a story to practice the grammatical rule. And at the same time, students will realize the practical use of learning grammar.
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