2024-01-30 14:03 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]
Step 2. Pre-reading
In this step, I will ask students to look at the pictures and the title on the book and guess what the passage is mainly about. After the students mention butterflies, I will make a supplement about the background information of the special kind of butterfly—monarch butterfly.
Step 3. While-reading
First, I will ask students to read the passage quickly and divide the passage into three parts and then find out the main idea of each part.
Part one, paragraph one: the phenomenon of animals’ migration.
Part two, paragraph two-three: the migration of monarch butterflies.
Part three, paragraph four-five: the trouble that monarch butterflies are faced with.
This step can help students get the main idea of the passage and their skimming ability can be practiced.
Activity 1: T or F
I will ask students to read the passage again and find if the sentences on the PowerPoint are right or wrong. If it is right, mark a “T” after it. If it is wrong, mark an “F” after it.
1. Every winter, millions of these beautiful insects with fine black and orange wings begin a long and difficult journey. (F)
2. These two pieces of information- the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky—allow the butterfly to determine the way to go. (T)
3. Its population has crashed by as much as 80 percent in the last few years. (F)
Activity 2: Ask and answer
If the time permits, I will carry on another activity. I will ask students to answer the following questions while they are reading for the second time.
1. What information is mentioned in this passage that can help the monarch butterfly find their way?
2. What serious trouble are the monarch butterflies faced with now?
3. What is the main reason that has caused the falling of the monarch butterfly’s population?
This step helps students get the detailed information by reading the article carefully.
Intensive reading
In this step, I will make students discuss the attitude of the author towards the monarch butterfly’s future. This task is a bit more difficult and students can complete it only after they have fully understood the passage.
Step 4. Post-reading
In this step, I will ask students to discuss if they can think out more measures to save and protect the monarch butterfly. Based on the information they have gained from the passage. I want them to think openly and they will have their own ideas towards it.
Measure one: we can suggest to the concerned organization that the monarch butterfly should be on the list of endangered animals.
Measure two: we can create more natural areas that can supply the butterfly with a suitable living environment.
Measure three: we can hold some public speech about the monarch butterfly protection to arouse people’s awareness.
This step will help students practice their speaking ability by discussing with their group members.
Step 5. Summary
Students summarize the main idea of the passage and I emphasize the reading skills. I will encourage them to protect nature and animals.
This is to systematize their knowledge. Meanwhile, the complement from the teacher can lead students to form right view of value.
Step 6. Homework
I will ask students to search for some information on the Internet about different animals’ migration and make a list of ten endangered animals. And then they can share their research with each other in the next class. The homework can help students care more about animals and practice their speaking ability.
At last, I will talk something about my blackboard design. As far as I am concerned, the blackboard design can reflect my ability of mastering the text and lead students to master the text easily. In order to tell students the main idea and the important sentence structures, I will design my blackboard as follows:
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