小学英语教师资格证面试:试讲及答辩试题《Welcome to Africa》

http://ningxia.hteacher.net 2024-03-18 11:10 宁夏教师资格证 [您的教师考试网]

 Welcome to Africa


1. 题目:Welcome to Africa

2. 内容:

—Welcome to Africa,my friend.

—Thank you.

—Who are these people?What are they doing?

—They are farmers. They are planting corn.


—Look at that woman. What does she do?

—She??s a vet. She helps animals.

—Look,this is my father. He is an ice?cream man.

—Great,I like ice?cream.

—Oh,no!My ice?cream.

3. 基本要求:





1. 请谈谈你这节课的重点。

2. 你是如何巩固新知的?


Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I??m No. 1 candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is Welcome to Africa. Now I??m ready. Class begins.

Ⅰ. Warming?up and lead?in

T:Welcome to school,everyone!Let??s have a talk about vacations. Have you ever spent your vacations in other countries?There??s always something different from that in our country,such as food,people. I??d like to ask some pupils to say something about your experience overseas. Jess,please.

T:Wonderful!What she says is so interesting and exciting. Do you know about Africa?We??re going to start a new lesson,Welcome to Africa.

Ⅱ. Pre?reading

T:Look at the picture of Africa. What can you see in the picture?What are the people doing in the picture?Tom,give it your best try. Listen to my question carefully. What are the people doing in the picture?They work?It??s almost right. Try again. They??re working. See?You did it really well. That is to say,they??re planting corn. So,what do they do?Lucy,don??t be shy,just try!

T:Good point!They are farmers. What do they do?That is to say,what??re their jobs?

T:Boys and girls,today we??ll learn different jobs. When an animal is ill,we will ask someone for help. Make a guess what the job is. Vet. Great!You??re so smart. Read the new words after me,vet. That??s right. Let??s try it one more time,vet.

T:Please watch the slide show. The man is making ice?cream. What does he do?Yeah,he is an ice?cream man.

Ⅲ. While?reading

T:Now let??s read the passage fast and try to answer the following question:What is the main idea of the passage?

T:Please read the passage another time and then decide whether the sentences are true or false.

a. The farmers are planting corn.

b. My brother is an ice?cream man.

T:Let??s check the answers. The correct answer to the first question is TURE,the second is FALSE. Can anyone tell me why?Very good!Is there anything that you don??t understand?

Ⅳ. Post?reading

T:Let??s act out the conversation in pairs. Have a practice and I??ll ask one pair to act in front of the class. Jim,you will be A,and Lucy,you will be B.

T:Not bad. Tom,look at my mouth,ice?cream. Yes,that??s much better.

T:Now,let??s play a guessing game. Two students come to the front. One looks at the word cards and acts the word out,and the other will guess what he/she is. The pair who gets the most correct answers is “the best partner”.

Ⅴ. Summary and homework

T:Let??s read the words and sentences in chorus. Ready,start.

T:Do you want to know some more jobs in other countries?Please get some information after class and prepare for introducing it.

Blackboard design:

[Welcome to Africa

What does she do?

She??s a vet.(farmer/ice?cream man) ]

That??s my presentation. Thanks for your listening.


1. 本节课的重点是学生能够学会一些关于工作的词汇,以及询问某人职业的表达方式。同时学生能够提升一些阅读技能,比如略读以了解文章大意和寻读以查寻特定细节的快速阅读策略。

2. 巩固新知是一个语言输出、展示成果的阶段,对于学生掌握本节课的重点内容是很重要的。我在本节课的设计中,设计了佳搭档的游戏活动,这样学生能在运用语言的过程中把所学新知转化为自己的语言,提高综合语言运用能力,同时在同伴活动中培养学生的合作意识和合作精神。







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