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2024教师招聘考试:小学英语《Ways to go to school》说课稿

http://guangdong.hteacher.net 2024-04-13 11:05 广东教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]


This lesson is from the part of read and write, unit 2, book 5, published by People’s Education Press for primary school students. It is a reading class which talks about the different ways to go to school. By studying this text, students will be able to know some special ways to go to school and learn different cultures of other countries. So, this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit.

Teaching Objectives

based on the new curriculum standard, the teaching objectives are as follows:

Students can get the idea and some information of the text and understand the new words like ferry and sled.

Students can get the reading skills such ad skimming, scanning and careful reading, and improve their reading abilities.

Students can be interested in the various cultures of different countries and develop a positive system of values and attitudes.

On account of the above analysis, the key points and difficult points are as follows.

Key Point

Students are able to understand the main idea of this passage and understand the new words.

Difficult Point

Students can get and master the reading skills.


After the analysis of teaching material, now let me analyze the students. Students in grade 6 have three years of experience in learning English. They have accumulated basic English knowledge, and at the same time, they can be more active and engaged in group cooperation. Before learning this lesson, they have learned expressions related to ways to go to school. However, there is still a lack of understanding of other special ways in different countries. So through this lesson, I hope that they can have a general understanding of various countries and their horizon can be broadened generally.


According to the teaching objectives and students’ characteristics, in this class, I’ll use task-based language teaching method and communicative method in this lesson to make sure they can easily understand the passage and have a good time in studying it.

For students, they will work in pairs and in groups to explore the new knowledge referring to the students’ physical and physiological characteristics.


According to teaching objectives and students’ characteristics, students will master the passage and improve ability through cooperative learning.


Then let’s come to the most important part—teaching procedures. This part contains the following steps:

Step 1. Warm-up & Lead-in

At the beginning of the class, I will sing a song You are my sunshine with all the students to warm up. Then I will have a free talk with students about their ways to go to school. So, the topic can be elicited naturally.

Step 2. Pre-reading

In this step, I’ll lead students to brainstorm around the question: How many ways can you think of to go to school? So that it can lay a foundation for today’s lesson.

Step 3. While-reading


In this step, first, students will have 2 minutes to read the text and answer this question:

What is the main idea of the passage?


Then, I will let students read the text by paragraph again and answer the following questions.

How many ways can you find in the text? What are they?

Does everyone in the text go to school?

Then, I will introduce the new words like ferry and sled. After that, correct students’ pronunciation and lead students to read them together.

Careful reading








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