2024-06-06 17:03 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]
31. How to improve students’ oral English?【英语】
As for students, language abilities like listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and writing is one part consisting of Core Competencies. They are essential abilities a qualified student is supposed to be equipped with. From this point of view, oral English is of vital importance for students. When it comes to how to improve student’ oral English, some effective ways are as follows.
Firstly, making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students is a useful method. Teachers can organize various kinds of activities ranging from personalising practice to contextualising practice through individual work, pair work and group work. These activities should include not only mechanical drills but also meaningful interactions.
Besides, it is a must for teachers to help students develop speaking strategies such as initiating a conversation, turn taking, asking for clarification, asking for repetition, getting others’ attention, getting help from others, and ending a conversation, etc.
Last but not least, teachers need to help students build up confidence in oral English. The most advisable way is to praise and stimulate students to speak English, not afraid to making mistakes. Practice makes perfect.
Undoubtedly, speaking deserves ever-lasting attention and it is necessary for everyone to develop the essential ability, especially for students. The above ways can be taken.
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