
https://jiaoshi.huatu.com 2020-01-05 11:44 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]



Yao is a selfless and kind person. He has been brought up and trained in this way. It is not in his nature to be “selfish” and “rude”.

When he first arrived in the US, Yao was an instant hit among basketball fans nationwide. They all loved this kind, gentle but powerful giant. Van Gundy wanted to build his team around the talented Chinese player. To do this, he told Yao to be more aggressive and, if necessary, to be rude to his teammates.








Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

Play a video clip of an NBA basketball match for students and ask how many players they know in the match. Guide students to select the Chinese names out and lead to today’s topic of Yao Ming.

II. Presentation

1. Students read the passage quickly for the first time and figure out what the passage is about.

2. Students read the passage again and answer the following questions:

(1) Is Yao a selfish or selfless person?

(2) What are Yao’s characteristics?

(3) What kind of team did Van want to build?

From students’ answers, remind students to pay attention to the derived words “selfless, selfish, powerful, talented, player” and write them on the blackboard. Arouse students’ memory of word-formation.

3. Further elaborate on the derived words about their suffixes. Students work in pairs to figure out the meanings of the suffixes.

III. Practice

(1) Find their Partners

The teacher presents some words and some suffixes. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words and suffixes.


Lily is crying. She feels very ______.

Today, everyone is ______ to the Internet.

He loves collecting stamps. He is a stamp ______.

JK’s novel is very ______.

(2) Guessing

Show students a short passage including some new words on the screen and ask students to guess the meanings of the underlined derived words according to the content and word-formation.

IV. Consolidation

Show students a video clip of an interesting talk about word-formation. Ask students to note down some other ways of word-formation that are mentioned in the video. Six students a group to classify some of the words they have learnt before according to the video. Then the teacher invites several groups to share.

V. Summary

Students summarize the ways of word formation and the teacher makes supplement. Enlarge students’ vocabulary and permeate some reading skills.

VI. Homework

Surf the Internet after class for more information about the development of English words and share with the class in the next lesson.





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