2020-01-05 11:44 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
报考科目:高中英语 抽题时间:2020年1月5日14:09:21
What is an advertisement?
An advertisement is a message or announcement that
informs or influences people. It can use words, on the pictures,
music or film to communicate its message. Adverts are not only
made and paid for by business, but also by individuals, organizations
and associations that wish to inform or educate the public.
Teaching Procedure:
I. Lead-in
Play an advertising video for students and ask them to guess what the product is. Then ask students about their favorite advertisements.
II. Pre-writing
1. Show students some pictures of advertisement. Students work in pairs to conclude the essentials and usage of advertisements.
2. Present students the passage. After reading, ask students the following questions:
(1) What can we use in an advertisement?
(2) Who make and pay for advertisements?
(3) What is the usage of an advertisement?
III. While-writing
(1) The teacher presents various products on the screen, including food, clothes, cars, buildings, books, lessons, public charities, etc. Students choose one of the products or the product they like. Ask students to make an outline for the advertisement of their product.
(2) Students write some sentences to introduce the features, usage, advantages or others of their product.
(3) Ask students to turn the sentences into a passage. They can add some linking words or change tones of the sentences. For example, they may use some exclamatory sentences to describe their product.
IV. Post-writing
(1) Self-check
Students check the advertisements by themselves.
(2) Peer-check
Four students a group, check their group members’ advertisements. Then think about their group members’ advertisements. Are they interested in the product or thing that is advertised? Are there any problems with the advertisements? How to improve?
V. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplement if necessary.
VI. Homework
Students design a poster for the advertisement they have written.
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