2020-01-05 11:44 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
报考科目:高中英语 抽题时间:2020年1月5日13:20:06
I really like going to the symphony. I like to hear all the musical instruments playing different things but somehow, they’re still playing together and in harmony. I especially like the violin—it’s my favorite instrument.
I don’t know why, but the songs from musicals are so popular. For example, I sometimes find myself singing the chorus to “Edelweiss” while I’m doing things around the house. I guess it’s because the tunes are so accessible and delicate.
Teaching procedure:
I. Warming up
Enjoy a song “In the end” from Linkin Park and invite students to express their feelings about the song.
II. Pre-listening
1. The teacher shows different pictures of musical instruments in a symphony and invites students to talk about the opinions about the functions of them.
2. Students make predictions about the speakers’ attitudes towards the music.
III. While-listening
1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions: What is the feeling of speaker A towards the music? What is speaker A’s music instrument? Does speaker B like music?
2. Students read the conversation and check their answers.
IV. Post-listening
Students are divided into several groups. They are supposed to talk about their opinions about music. Firstly, they can share among groups and then each group chooses a representative to give a speech about music. Others and the teacher are the judges and give comments.
V. Summary
Students are encouraged to summarize the listening ability of understanding the speakers’ intention. The teacher makes supplement if necessary and encourage students to enjoy more music in life, keeping healthy and positive life attitude.
VI. Homework
Students will surf the Internet for more wonder music and share with the whole class next time.
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