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http://liaoning.hteacher.net 2024-07-12 13:38 辽宁教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]



Good morning, distinguished judges. I’m No.XX candidate, applying for senior middle school English teacher. Today my topic is Fertilizers. Now I’m ready. Class begins.


T:Good morning, boys and girls. How is it going? Oh, you are fine,I’m fine, too, thank you.

T:Before class, first, I want you to watch a video, after you watch it, please tell me what you think about it. Ok, start.

T:Video is over, who wants to show your opinion? Stephan, you, please.

T:Good. We can see in the video, more and more people are worried about our food, whether it is healthy or not, because of all kinds of land pollution. Among them, abuse of fertilizer is one of the chief criminal. So, today, let’s have a discussion about it.


T:Well, before we start, I want to read an article for you, after that, try to tell me why so many farmers want to use fertilizers. Here we go.

T:Well, who can tell me what fertilizers bring to the farmers? Elena, you, please.She says:“I’ve heard it can stop disease and increase production.”

T:Good girl, that’s true. Using fertilizers is indeed a great way to stop disease, at the same time, it can increase production. However, if we use fertilizers for a very long term, it will cause damage to the land and even dangerous for our health.So here is the question, fertilizers have its’ advantages and disadvantages, now, I will divide you guys into two groups, let’s have a debate.

T:Group A, you are positive side, and Group B are negative side, try to enumerate as many statements as you can. You will have ten minutes to prepare for your statement, now, you can start preparing.

T:Ok, time is up. Let’s start. Group A, give me your reason, what advantages does fertilizer bring to us? Student says:“As the development of society, agricultural land is getting smaller and smaller, so we need fertilizers to increase production.”

T:Good idea, indeed, our land is getting smaller and smaller, but we need to live, so it’s a good way. Student says:“I have another idea, fertilizers are produced in a industrial way, so it is more convenient and not so expensive as traditional fertilizers.”

T:I agree with you, traditional fertilizers are expensive, and its low yield limits its usage. On the contrary, chemical fertilizers are more acceptable.

T:Ok, Group B, how about disadvantages? Student says:“The usage of chemical fertilizers is more complex, we need to pay attention to the method.”

T:Well, that’s true, the concentration of chemical fertilizers is high, so if we don’t use it in a proper way, it may cause damage. Any other opinions? Student says:“Many farmers don’t use it in a scientific way for a long-term, which will cause land pollution.”

T:I can’t agree more with you. The abuse of chemical fertilizers did bring out many problems, so we’d better combine it with traditional fertilizers.









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