2024-07-12 13:38 辽宁教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]
T:Wow, you are so thoughtful. Since we know the advantages and the disadvantages of fertilizers, so now, here is a task for you. You are supposed to write a passage about fertilizer in thirty minutes, here is the outline on the blackboard. First, you need to finish a draft in three paragraphs. You can start.
T:Well, have you finished the draft? I mean may be the topic sentence of each paragraph.
T:Good. So let’s start adding some details and polishing our article. You can add as much information as you can about the topic, but pay attention to the grammar the handwriting.
T:Time is up, have you finished?
T:Ok, good. Now, you can exchange your writing with your deskmate and then I will ask some volunteers to read your article to us. Start.
T:Who wants to show your article to us? Damon, you, please.
T:Well...I am so proud of you, besides the information given on the blackboard, you’ve added so much information to the article, it’s amazing. Your handwriting is also so beautiful, maybe other guys, you can learn something from him.
T:Well, how time flies, it is almost the end of the class, today, we have learned how to write a argumentative article about fertilizers, so after class, I hope you can search more information about modern agriculture on the Internet. Next class, we will have a sharing. Good bye.
Whether should we use fertilizers?
Agricultural land is getting smaller, we need fertilizer to increase production.
Not so expensive, convenient, industrialization.
The usage is not so simple, we need to pay attention to methods.
Long-term usage will cause pollution.
That’s my presentation. Thank you.
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