2022-02-09 14:05 福建教师资格证 [您的教师考试网]
1. My mother is grateful to the surgeon, without _______ help she would have died from her heart attack.
A. whom B. them
C. which D. whose
2. In September of 2016, the G20 summit will be held in Hangzhou, _______ theme is to stress innovation, reform and development.
A. where B. which
C. when D. whose
3. The gentleman _______ you talked yesterday proved to be a thief.
A. what B. who
C. for which D. about whom
4. —Friends, we’ll graduate from middle school. We shouldn’t forget the days _______ we spent with classmates.
—Yeah, without friends, one can’t be happy.
A. when B. how
C. who D. which
5. I can remember well the persons and some pictures _______ I saw in the art museum.
A. what B. that
C. how D. which
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