2022-02-16 16:36 福建教师资格证 [您的教师考试网]
1. Dozens of people plunged into dead streets, _______ to find themselves trapped by crashing buildings.
A. surprising B. to surprise
C. surprised D. having been surprised
2. Hearing the news, Bob rushed out, _______ the book lying open on the table and _______ into the distance.
A. left; disappearing B. leaving; disappeared
C. having left; disappearing D. to leave; disappeared
3. _______ in the rain, he was wet to skin.
A. To be caught B. Catching
C. Having caught D. Caught
4. If you don’t study English all the time, you’ll have a difficult time _______ it in the future.
A. studied B. studying
C. to studying D. be studying
5. _______ my homework, I went to the library.
A. Having finished B. Have finished
C. Finishing D. To finish
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